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But the video is not Ethan Mollick. It's a deepfake Mollick himself created, using artificial intelligence to generate his words, his voice and his moving image. While Posobiec explained that the video was a fake created by AI, he also described it as "a sneak preview, coming attractions, a glimpse into the world beyond." The research firm Graphika identified the first known case of a state-aligned influence operation using deepfakes late last year. The researchers found pro-China bots sharing fake news videos, featuring AI-generated anchors, on Facebook and Twitter. "Using a language model, propagandists can create lots and lots of original text, and they can do it quickly and at little cost," he said. What's more, researchers have found AI-created content can be really convincing. Generated text can also be harder to detect than faked video or audio. Online campaigns that use AI to write posts may appear to be more organic than the copy and paste messages usually associated with bots. "If you want to flood the zone with s***, there is no better tool than this," Marcus said. "The cat has come out of the bag," he said, "and we're all dealing with cats everywhere." faux saint laurent bag
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