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There are suppliers of replica bags all over the world, such as Turkey, South Korea, Japan, The Philippines, China. Means they will not ship bag to you after receiving your money. Price: $300-$500: Some of the sellers sell bag at a price of more than $300 or $500, some of them are really great quality. As to the leather of the bags, you may know that, even the authentic lv/ gucci are using the man-made canvas but sell the bags with thousands dollars. Some of the sellers are with good quality control, and fast shipping like UPS/Fedex/Aramex, etc. Their price are from $150-$300 including shipping fee. We've met the situation that there were minor problems for the bags that we've got, we contact them and send them photos, they are warm-hearted to help us to handling the issues. Edited by: valentina Vanhoose, from NYC designer bags cyber monday

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