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In Veles, meeting the producers of fake news "This is for the great people of Veles, I couldn't do it without you!" Here in Veles, a run-of-the-mill city in the centre of Macedonia, I'm shown a tweet from Donald Trump dated 9 November 2016. The day he won the US presidential election. Trump never visited Veles, 7 553 kilometres away from New York City, but a large number of Veles inhabitants "worked for him" during the election campaign. The tweet is fake, Donald Trump never wrote it. It's a joke on account of so many fake news launched from Veles in a favour of Donald Trump during the campaign. Bojan finished a high school of economics in 2016, one of the four high schools in Veles. His family of four scraped by on the €230 a month earned by his father in a factory making car spares. Many years ago, his father used to work in the Zletovo zinc and lead foundry, the largest factory of its kind in the former Yugoslavia. This plant provided Veles not just with large numbers of decently paid jobs, but also gave the city the unenvied title of one of the most polluted cities in the Balkans. The plant is now closed, a fate shared by many other factories in the city. His mother is unemployed, as is the case with 25% of Macedonians. Bojan intended to work for a couple of years, saving up enough money to go to Skopje, the capital of Macedonia just 50km down the road, to study. But finding a job in Veles is quite a challenge. With a bit of luck, he might have got a job as a machine feeder in the factory like his father. But all he would have made there would have been €250 a month, hardly enough to get together the money needed to go away and study. Nothing that endangers lives "I'm having more difficulties with our food website. This type of site could tell you that this or that food can help cure cancer, but that might be wrong and could endanger people's lives. But I've got no scruples with fake political news, because politics is full of charlatans anyhow", he said. The Mafia recruited young people, sending them to "work" in Germany and Austria. Rumour had it that some 400 Veles inhabitants participated in these activities. The dismantling of this criminal organisation began in 2009 and dozens of people have since been arrested. "You can put that down to unemployment. Everybody was fighting for the same scrap of bread. I'm not justifying it, but I can understand it. It's the same thing with today's fake news", declared Kocevski. "I've got a degree and a good job, but I live on the breadline. That's why I set up my own website in April 2017. Everyone said that it was easy to make money that way, so I gave it a try", she said. As with all the others, she taught herself everything she needed to know on the Internet, because nobody wanted to help her get it running. She designed the site herself and paid $42 for the domain name Americantodayreport.com. Her audience swelled after just two days, after she posted a news item on the conflict between North Korea and the US. Elena generally posts juicy news items about Trump, but no fake news. faux saint laurent bagburberry imitation bags
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