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    faux saint laurent bag

    These are the bags that you can find in the streets of Chinatown and even Guangzhou, and they are made very cheaply with imitation leather and industrial cutting and sewing machines.One to one 1:1 - Very good craftsmanship, genuine leather, near 100% imitation of metal accessories Price range - $250- $350 per bag e. g. Now for more seasonal buyers of luxury replicas, they will go for the One to One quality, also known as mirror quality replicas. These are the bags that the average person would consider owning, as they really look very similar to the original and if you own a 1:1 replica, it is hard for anyone to tell unless they have another original bag and compare with your replica side by side, ravaging through all the internal compartments of your bag and comparing them detail by detail. So as you can imagine, all the top quality leather, metal chains, buckles and clasps, even packaging of the bags are outsourced to third party manufacturers in China and Malaysia with strict quality control guidelines to produce the materials that meet their standards. These lushentic replica companies actually hire the leather makers inside the original factories to produce replicas for them by offering them 3-5 times their pay to do the exact same thing for them. faux saint laurent bagchanel mini flap bag price

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