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Buyers can rate sellers from one to five stars, with five stars being the best. They have 90 days from the date of their order to leave feedback. A product review is the opinion about a product expressed by a buyer who has purchased and used it and posted it on the Amazon listing. Reviews can be found on the Amazon product page. Brand-registered sellers can see their reviews using Amazon's Customer Reviews Feature on the Brand Dashboard. Example of the product review Ratings are a star score from 1 to 5 stars buyers assign to a specific product. 5 stars are the best rating, while 1 star is the worst. Like a product review, a rating refers to the product only, but it scores a product numerically, while a review is a text message. There are two parts to this. The first one is responding to your messages daily. That helps you stay in line with Amazon's requirements and avoid piling tens of emails in your mailbox. Answering a lot of emails at once may be frustrating and generate errors. The second part of it is responding asap. Try to react to the messages as soon as you see them, but not later than within 24 hours. If your customer gets a response from you after two hours, they will be happy with your customer care quality and will likely leave positive feedback. Final Thoughts faux saint laurent bag

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    Those who gamble online have an easier time keeping it discreet - it can be done from anywhere and at any time of the day with just a few taps of a smartphone. In addition, many gamblers will gamble at home while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or while struggling with other underlying mental health challenges,which can result in poor judgement choices and betting beyond their capabilities. Some online gambling sites may seem relatively harmless on first glance, offering "free" simplified versions of their games, where players can use virtual credits for fun. Furthermore, many of these sites skew the odds of their "free" versions in the player's favor. Once a player upgrades to a real currency, often the odds will be reversed to favor the house. With the promise of "free bets" from online gambling sites, players are easily tempted to set up accounts - sometimes even setting up multiple accounts to one site. For some, the initial turn to online gambling may be a coping strategy to help escape the daily grind, relationship stress, or, in recent events, newfound isolation and uncertainty in the world due to Covid-19. At Algamus Gambling Treatment Services we have over 27 years of dedicated and continuous service when it comes to gambling treatment. faux saint laurent bagchanel lambskin flap bag

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