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A prada bag replica made by British designer Sir Winston Churchill has been unveiled by the UK's leading retailer. Smith said the design was inspired by a British woman who "had lost her parents" after being forced to move to the United States. Smith said that the replica is part of a long-term partnership between the two brands, as well as a £20 million partnership between his personal brand Menswear and Sir Winston Churchill's company. He added that he believes the model could help inspire other designers to make more of the same and to use other iconic products, such as the t-shirts that have become iconic. Smith said that his inspiration comes from his experience in the war and that he hopes that the design will be shared around the world. He added that the new design is inspired by a similar item he wore in World War Two. Smith said that he is excited to bring back a design he designed at the same time. He added that he hopes that the design will be featured on his website. faux saint laurent bag
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