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It is illegal to publish fake reviews about another company under the Consumer Protection from the Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. Moreover, you'll want to watch out for what the FTC will do for fake reviews. Particularly, pay attention to Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission act. Yes. According to a Trustpilot report, the company removed about 2.2 million fake reviews in 2020. Why the popularity of fake reviews? Because 96% of consumers read reviews before purchasing a product. E-commerce websites like Amazon offer an "Amazon Choice" badge for products with consistently high reviews. With such a system, you can see why unethical sellers are always open to buying fake reviews. That is the reason why you will find a dozen websites selling fake Amazon reviews at $6 to people. How Can I Prevent by Business from Falling Victim to Fake Reviews? Frequently monitor and manage your business's online presence, especially on your "My Business" page on Google. When possible, respond to both negative and positive feedback. The more people see your engagement with the responses and the resolutions you make, the more trustworthy and transparent your business appears to the market. Is it illegal to publish paid testimonials on third-party sites? How do I get customers to leave reviews? faux saint laurent bag

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