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The descriptions don't point out how much they have in common with designer bags, but if you look closely, you'll see similarities. You aren't likely to find any that are so carefully crafted that they pass for the authentic handbags, sporting the designer name the way bags from some other stores do, but they could have just what you need if you're looking for a loose replica of a bag because you simply like the style of some more expensive pieces (rather than the status and superiority the quality designer bags tend to have). The sizing is about the same as the large tote from Michael Kors, although there are different color choices. Limited Handbag Production Some designer handbags are so limited in their production that only a dozen or so are created each year. They are impressive copies that get all the details right and could be tempting to buy, but they're illegal. The term 'fake' is typically reserved for when sellers attempt to deceive others into thinking the bag is an authentic designer purse when it is not. The term 'fake' is typically reserved for when sellers attempt to deceive others into thinking the bag is an authentic designer purse when it is not. Downsize your bag, not your style. faux saint laurent bag
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